The Starry Night – Vector Art

Vincent Van Gogh !! The man behind many masterpieces that changed how modern art is in the current times.The man who influenced a whole lot of artists. The man who sold ONLY ONE painting in his life time. The man who made “The Starry Night“. He died as a nobody by committing suicide at a very young age of 37 due to depression leaving back his art for the world to study and get inspired.

Van Gogh painted The Starry Night while he was in an asylum in France. This particular painting stood out of his work as it was completely painted by imagining a night sky over a landscape which did not exist while his traditional style of painting was limited to the subjects that surrounded him. He felt the kindness of the houses in the village below and though they were not clearly painted , just the yellow lights of the houses showed that they were very welcoming. He felt that the night sky was more colorful than the day sky. The stars in the sky were not just white dots in a black background to him. They were much more colorful. He always imagined the night sky to be violent dark blue and the moon and stars were bright yellowish white. It is also believed that the bell tower in the village reminded him of his Dutch birth place. He felt that this painting was a failure. Little did he know that it would later be regarded as the most valuable work of art. Sadly, he shot himself with a gun approximately an year later fighting depression.

I happened to see an animated movie about his life called “Loving, Vincent” which was completely made by 65 thousand hand made paintings. Every frame you see in the movie is a hand made painting. Such a raw and honest way to tribute Van Gogh!! Imagine producing legendary work of art, not being recognized for the work, living in poverty and dying because of depression. And approximately a century after the death, that same work of art is being sold for a whooping $82.5 million USD ( $148-$152 million in today’s money). That is the life of Vincent for you !!

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